Department of Pathology & Microbiology
About Department

Teaches the cause of the disease, pathogenesis and pathological changes of the diseases and also teaches the diagnostic criteria’s with Homoeopathic orientation.

This department is established in spacious building comprising of Pathology and Microbiology laboratory equipped with Haematology, Cytology, Histopathology, microbiology. Immunology sections.

Museum exhibits on specific organs new specimens are added frequently specimens include neoplastic and non neoplastic lesions of all systems.

Separate set of unmounted specimens are kept aside exclusively for exams

A well-stocked library is maintained where every current stander text books are readily available for reference.

Well-furnished and spacious faculty offices, seminar hall with audio- visual aids available.

Qualified teaching and supporting faculty. The overall goal of pathology training is to create confidence in students learning pathology with Homoeopathic orientation.

Our Team

Dr. (Mrs.) Suma R.S

Professor, HOD

Dept of Pathology

Dr. S. A. Kittur


Dept of Pathology

Dr. Vinayak. R. Badiger

Asst. Professor

Dept of Pathology

Department Gallery

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